
Tjitji Ngati, 2023


  • 38cm x 90cm
  • 2023
  • Acrylic On Canvas
  • Catalog No: 1148-X3081-23

Paintings depict the Tjukurpa, the Law and stories of Ancestors. Anangu (Central and Western Desert Aboriginal people) have responsibilities for the protection and teaching of different Tjukurpa and there are strict protocols for the imparting of knowledge. The dotting technique has evolved with the need to adapt sacred expressions of Tjukurpa for public viewing and as a depiction of the desert landscape.
This Tjukurpa relates to Veronica’s ancestral country near Uluru in the south west corner of the Northern Territory. Tjitji Ngati (literally ‘child hollow’) refers to a Creation Story for part of this area about a group of children left behind in their camp one day by their parents. Although they were told to stay there and wait, the children began to fret and set off together travelling and camping in windbreaks they made as they went.


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