
Sea Turtle In Ghost Net, 2023


  • 86cm x 70cm x 15cm
  • 2023
  • Ghost Net, Aluminium Wire, Rope And Twine
  • Catalog No: 1129-126-23

Sea Turtles are a big totem for all costal people. Their eggs are a popular food source and it is a real skill being able to track their nests buried on the beach & digging them up. We feel for this amazing animal getting caught in ghost nets. Ghost nets are commercial fishing nets illegally abandoned into the ocean. In Pormpuraaw they drift on the currents killing fish and animals without purpose. It is a devastating form of pollution.


Shipping costs are included in pricing with works smaller than 100cm. Objects larger than 100cm are not included and the responsibility of the buyer. The centre will get the work to Cairns "Pack and Send" and the buyer will make agreements with them.