Saratoga and Crab


  • 22.5cm x 30cm
  • Lino Cut Prints
  • Catalog No: 1129-184-22-7/40

Saratoga are an important inland fish for our people. They are a long bony fish with an upturned bottom jaw. They say this is a very ancient fish found in fossils. We like to catch these fish and cook them up on the coals. Crabs

are everywhere and we love to catch them with spears or drag net. Both of these animals are big totems for our people. They are our connection to country and ancestors.


Shipping costs are included in pricing with works smaller than 100cm. Objects larger than 100cm are not included and the responsibility of the buyer. The centre will get the work to Cairns "Pack and Send" and the buyer will make agreements with them.
