Old Days


  • 41cm x 51cm
  • Acrylic on Canvas
  • Catalog No: 1129-270-22

This is a painting of where my grandfather lived called South Kendall River Outstation. This was also my dads country. My grandfather used to be do the hunting for all the families. I lived there in the bush with my grandparents and family together until I was 3 years old. My grandfather worked with and made good friends there with a French man named John von Sturmer who was an Anthropologist and his wife Diane Smith. They named their son Parrot, after my grandfather.


Shipping costs are included in pricing with works smaller than 100cm. Objects larger than 100cm are not included and the responsibility of the buyer. The centre will get the work to Cairns "Pack and Send" and the buyer will make agreements with them.
