
Minh Permin – Sea Turtle, 2023


  • 71cm x 77cm x 20cm
  • 2023
  • Ghost Net, Aluminium Wire, Rope And Twine
  • Catalog No: 1129-128-23

Minh Permin means sea turtle in my Thaayorre language. These are baby sea turtles. They get born on the beach, in the sand where they are buried safely until they hatch. When they are able to they all walk down to the sea together, where they will live, along they way some will get lost and not make it. Pig, goanna or big fish and crocodiles might eat them. Minh permin are also one of our totems.


Shipping costs are included in pricing with works smaller than 100cm. Objects larger than 100cm are not included and the responsibility of the buyer. The centre will get the work to Cairns "Pack and Send" and the buyer will make agreements with them.