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Coralie Kunmanara Williams
Tangentyere Artists & Yarrenyty Arltere ArtistsDaughter of Tangentyere Artists’ Marjorie Williams and mother of Ingrid Williams, another of Tangentyere Artists, Coralie has painted for many years. Born at Hermannsburg, Coralie grew up with her parents and siblings, she worked as a receptionist for the local Ntaria Council. She also undertook training in various administrative and finance roles such as payroll. In 2004 Coralie moved with family to Alice Springs. She grew up dot painting with her mum and also taught her kids. While in Alice Springs, Coralie was the Luritja language teacher at Yeperenye School. She finally left in 2023 and joined her mother and daughter in Tangentyere Artists’ studio. Her figurative works about the various aspects of her life have been warmly received by visitors to the art gallery.