Tree Frog Totem


  • 50cm x 40cm
  • Etching on Paper
  • Catalog No: 1129-59-17-3/40

Pormpuraaw is blessed with many frogs. They come in all shapes and colours. The tree frog is one of our favourite. Many people know too mimic his sound and walk around all day making his call. Frogs come out in the wet season. In the dry season they tend to burrow into the sand and hibernate waiting for the rain. Sometimes they come out in the evening when it cools down. We have lots of cane toads here too. We do n to kill them even though we know they are bad because they eat all the native frogs. The cane toads are her now and we must accept them.


Shipping costs are included in pricing with works smaller than 100cm. Objects larger than 100cm are not included and the responsibility of the buyer. The centre will get the work to Cairns "Pack and Send" and the buyer will make agreements with them.
