Yankunytjatjara Wapar, 2024
This work is about my culture and language, Yankunytjatjara culture. I am a proud Yankunytjatjara woman. My family has been Yankunytjatjara people. Our language is different to Pitjantjatjara. Most people speak Pitjantjatjara these days, and I like spending time with the few family members that still speak Yankunytjatjara and teaching the young ones about our language. I am painting a lot of the trees, grasses and their seeds that are specific my my language and region. There are many words in Yankunytjatjara that come directly from the trees, and I want to paint them to keep them strong and alive for the next generation. Palya.
Mimili Community is home to 300 Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people who have been living in the area for millennia in harmony with nature and acting as custodians of the land and the Tjukurpa (creation stories). Mimili was formerly known as Everard Park, which was a cattle station that was returned to Aboriginal ownership through the 1981 APY Lands Act. Mimili Community was incorporated as an Aboriginal Community in 1975.
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