Tjutinypa – Mens Club


  • 56.6cm x 4.1cm x 6cm
  • Iṯaṟa ~ River red gum
  • Catalog No: taf24-01

Known collectively as punu, carvings have their beginnings in the Tjukurpa when the Creation Ancestors fashioned the first weapons and tools, setting down the laws and conventions of their design and use. Highly experienced craftsmen have grown up making traditional tools and weapons with knowledge inherited and passed on through the Tjukurpa under the instruction of their fathers and grandfathers.

Tjutinypa are generally made from the hard wood of the mulga tree and are used for hunting, fighting, and as adzing and meat carving tools. They are also used in ceremonies where they are pounded rhythmically on the ground. The shape of a tjutinypa can vary: some are long and tapered at one end; some have large and bulbous heads. Others, particularly from further west in the desert country where they are sometimes known as walayati, can be broad and flat with incised designs.

‘…Tjutinypa have been around for a long time and they are made by people as they become men. We still have them now : men and their brothers; all our relatives; and we are also experienced in carving them to sell.

Alatji – that’s how it is.’                                                                                                     Senior Pitjantjatjara man


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