
Seahorse – Meaning & Symbolic, 2015


  • 112cm x 80cm
  • 2015
  • Lino Print
  • Catalog No: 2221-15-48-20-20

Seahorse Meaning and Symbolism
The symbolic meaning of seahorse is quite intricate and diverse as this little creature itself is full of surprises. The seahorse is quite a unique creature and thought to have mystical significance among the Torres Strait Island people. The Torres Strait Islanders believed that the seahorse is a luck of good fortune/charm an attribute of the sea, the seahorse is considered to be a symbol of strength and power.
Divers have long viewed the seahorse as a good luck charm too. Symbolic meaning of Seahorse carry the following significance.. Patience Protection Perspective Inflexibility Persistence Friendliness Contentment High Perception Generosity/Sharing The sea horse is used for bring good luck when ever in need of food etc. Hunting, fishing. Its explanation is quite unique for it as a lot of meaning of all that know the significations of the seahorse. The Sea horse describes the artist I am, patience and contentment. I am without changes as content to be who I am and not feeling the need to change, being persistent in reaching my career goals and being mindful that I am stubborn at times. Sharing the load in the home and gaining perspective of both sides of an argument or situation
. The amour of the sea horse is a sign that sometimes I need to let down my guard. I am very aware of what is around me and when we are lost or confused, the sea horse asks us to take a good look around – not just with our physical eyes but with our spiritual eyes in order to get a better perspective of the situations.
Weldon Matasia
