
Pikinini George, 2014


  • 80cm x 60cm
  • 2014
  • Natural Ochre And Pigments On Canvas
  • Catalog No: 1106-279/14

This is one of many stories that takes place in Pikinini George that is in the Bungle Bungles. She paints this painting seen from a bird’s eye view, there is a round opening in this George that is seen on the top of the painting.
The yellow hill shape that sits within the middle of the painting Phyllis describes as a sand ground, the two grey lines that are on each sides of the sand ground are the water that flows out of  this bit of island. The black parts in this scene are also described as water .
The hill shape figures that sits besides the sand ground are small rocky edges. This was one of many places where her and family members would go out and have a picnic together.
