Ngarrbek (Echidna) – FRAMED


  • 46cm x 55cm
  • Acrylic on Arches Paper
  • Catalog No: 592-24

Ngarrbek (Echidna)

The djang (story) for ngarrbek (echidna) is part of the Kunabibi ceremony.

Ngarrbek camps in the rocks and kuwarderurrk (cave) during the day and comes out at night. The plant is for kudjurle (shade). The lorkkon (hollow log) in the painting is where he finds djalang (termites). The different type of termites from the termite mounds is called djak. When you cook him you chop off the spines with an axe or knife and take the guts out. When you take the guts out you only eat the liver, the rest is no good. You put hot rocks inside the guts and cook the meat on the hot coals.

