Mangarri (Bush Tucker)


  • 61.0cm x 45.7cm
  • Catalog No: 2247-708-24

This painting depicts some of the country of Helen’s mother, the late Milliga. Located at the very south of Balgo near Tjukurrla and Warakurna, this country is known as Gaugo and is extremely sacred. Depicting several varieties of bush food, or mangarri, Helen paints kumpupatja (bush tomato), Witjirrki (Wild Fig Bush Onion), Pamilyi (Bush Passionfruit) and Tjurnta (bush seeds). In the desert regions, local foods reflect the seasonal changes and Helen through her painting tells of this sacred country and its abundance of foods. 


Paintings are unstretched & rolled. Price includes shipping within Australia, please contact us to arrange international shipping.
