
Kungkarangkalpa Tjukurrpa, 2023


  • 75cm x 75cm
  • 2023
  • Acrylic On Linen
  • Catalog No: 2249-230-23

Eunice Porter was born at Lulpu the Jamieson road side of Warburton Mission and now lives in Warakurna with her husband’s family. This painting depicts an important Ngaanyatjarra women’s story, Kungkarangkalpa Tjukurrpa (Seven Sisters Dreaming). Seven sisters were travelling from Warnan to Warakurna. On the way they caught a rabbit and cooked and ate it. They then turned into birds and flew to Warakurna. A wati (man) had spied on them while they were eating. He wanted to make the youngest one his wife. He tried to find them but they had flown away. He then transformed into a bird and followed them to Warakurna.
