Tootsie Daniels

Juluwarlu Art Group

Yindjibarndi cultural knowledge from the Millstream Tableland. Tootsie was born at Yarraloola Station near Pannawonica and grew up in Onslow, living at the Old Reserve and the Onslow Hostel. After attending high school at the United Aboriginal Mission Hostel in Derby, she returned to Onslow and worked as a domestic cleaner at the Hostel and later at Yarraloola Station and Nanutarra Station with her extended family. Tootsie has lived in Roebourne since 1970 and is a committed contributor to the Roebourne community. Tootsie is a founding member of Juluwarlu Art Group, is a board member and broadcaster at Ngaarda Media, is involved in song, video and performance arts with Big hART, and holds a Graduate Diploma in Aboriginal Community Development from Curtin University. Tootsie began painting 10 years ago as a means of healing after the death of her son, and depicts Yindjibarndi stories, rivers, plants and seasons.

“The Country got feelings too, and when you look after Country, Country look after you. It’s one of them spiritual things that we believe as Yindjibarndi people. When you go on your Country, it’s like home is calling you. Like you’re back home again. You just want to stay there a couple of days. A visit on Country is really rewarding. It brings you back.”  Tootsie Daniel, 2021