
Myra Cooke

Warakurna Artists

Myra Cooke (dec) was born at Kartjinguku Creek between Warakurna and Tjukurla in the east Gibson desert, Western Australia. As a child she travelled with her family through her Father’s country near Kulail, Tjukurla, Docker River and Warakurna. These places are recognised as the border of the Norther Territory and Western Australia. Her Mother remarried and the family began to move westward into her Step-father’s country near Wanarn and then to Warburton Mission. It was in Warburton that Myra met her husband. They soon left Warburton to travel her husband’s mother’s country near Mantamaru where her first son was born. Myra lived in Blackstone and Wanarn for many years. Myra worked with the Warburton Art Project before she began to paint with Warakurna Artists in mid 2005. She rapidly received acclaim as one of its senior artists. Myra Cooke paints important Ngaanyatjarra stories from her ngurra (birthing place).