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Kushia Young
Ninuku ArtsKushia Young was born in 1996 and lives in Pipalyatjara with her auntie, Carol Young. At a very early age, Kushia lost her hearing, and was diagnosed as clinically deaf. During her formative school years, she was given the opportunity to go to Adelaide so that she could learn Auslan It was during this time that she was also encouraged to focus on and develop drawing and painting.
Today Kushia lives in Pipalyatjara with her family. Her painting style is quite unique to the region, and could be said to be heavily influenced by her keen observational skills and her love for nature and country. She particularly likes to paint ‘tjulpu’ (birds) and other animals.
Recently Kushia has been engaging with one on one workshops through the art centre. Focusing on her illustration skills and storytelling to create new artworks in a digital format. This has created new opportunities for Kushia including exhibiting work in Adelaide and a commission for lazer cut signage.