Baluk Arts

Feather, 2014


  • 11cm x 3cm
  • 2014
  • Catalog No: 56-240-14

Ganggan-Baluk (Many Feathers) ceramic collaborative installation was created by Baluk artists to strengthen culture, community and connection to country and to share an understanding of Aboriginal culture and creation.

Each feather represents the uniqueness of each individual as all artists have different Aboriginal backgrounds from all over Australia but have come to the Mornington Peninsula, Frankston and south east Melbourne through historical events, policy or forced removal and stolen generation. Many of the feathers have traditional linear designs typical of Victorian Indigenous patterns representing topographic features, dreaming pathways, spiritual energies in the landscape and known boundaries between tribes. These designs are used on weapons, boomerangs, shields and possum skin cloaks. Where ever feathers lie within nature, they tell the story of what has been before. Each feather helps to remember and celebrate culture and creation and acceptance for what is here and now.  In Indigenous history, the feather is known as both delicate and strong and signifies the beginning of a new life. Many of the feathers created by Baluk Arts were inspired by local birds of the area such as rainbow lorikeets, rosellas, cockatoos and others such as emu, waterbirds as well as the creator spirit Bunjil the Eagle, and ancestral moiety Waa the Crow.
