Bijaarba – Dugong


  • 50.1cm x 50.1cm
  • Acrylic on Canvas Board
  • Catalog No: 1151-621-21

“The Bijaarba is my Loogatha Family totem, my Grandfather Korerungati Worobari, also known as Lokoti or Percy in English was one of the original Kaiadilt people brought to Mornington Island during 1947-1948, along with his multiple wives and children.  When our people were removed from our island, it was under a guise of lies and fallacy.  Written history states that we were removed for our own well being, our living mothers and uncles (part of the removal process, and still alive today) will humbly tell you that this was not true.  Although they know that we were manipulated and forced from our homelands, there is no malice in their recitals of the event, mostly just an overwhelming sense of sadness. Although the missionaries encouraged the continuation of Lardil culture, we as Kaiadilt people were not encouraged to pass on our cultural knowledge.  What we now have is limited, but I am thankful that I have my family clan totem.  Our cultural identities are multi-layered and complex, but the family totem connects me to my family, and we all need that strength in our lives. Bijaarba is also a great food source for my people, and is respectfully hunted from only our traditional homelands.  It is a great offence to hunt on ‘another man’s country’.  I often also depict the bijaarba in parts of allocation, that is, depending on the role of the hunter, they will receive particular pieces of the bijaarba.”


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